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Fort Monroe is a wonderful place to visit. If you are a history buff, nature lover or simply looking for a good meal, a day at Fort Monroe is unlike any other.
National Park Service

Dive deep into the artifact collection of our @CasemateMuseum shared by our Collection Specialist. Join us in person on Thursday, April 7 from 1 – 2 p.m. in the Visitor & Education Center at Fort Monroe, OR virtually streamed live from the Fort Monroe Authority Facebook page (@fortmonroeatoldpointcomfort) as we discuss how we build and care for a museum collection so it can be used for interpretation. Utilizing unique artifacts, we will discover how pieces of cultural heritage can be put to work to expand our knowledge of the past and connect to the present.
Registration and tickets are not required for this event. It is FREE and open to the public. For further information please contact the Fort Monroe Authority Museums, Education and Interpretation Department at Fort Monroe by calling 757- 690-8181 or by emailing