On-Site Field Trips
Public or private K-12 schools, Homeschool co-op groups, collegiate courses, lifelong learners, and more. All groups are welcome to learn and explore at Fort Monroe! Bring your students to the Visitor and Education Center and Casemate Museum at Fort Monroe to stand in the spaces where history was made. All of our student programs are designed to take full advantage of our museum galleries, collections, archives, and outdoor spaces as part of the immersive learning experience.
- Teachers can choose from multiple Virginia SOL and Common Core-based programs that cover themes and figures students are learning about in the classroom. Each program includes interaction with primary and secondary sources, exhibits, and reproductions.
- Groups may visit on their own to the Casemate Museum, however, school group leaders must speak with the booking coordinator before their visit in order to guarantee space in the galleries, or to secure a permit for use of other spaces around Fort Monroe.
- We offer two types of in-person field trips, a guided tour, or an education program, but reservations are required.
Education Program Options
Life at Fort Monroe
Learn all about the intricate history of Point Comfort, Old Point Comfort, and Fort Monroe. Who lived here, what was the land used for, and how has 400 years of history impacted everything around us. In this program, students will evaluate primary and secondary sources in order to understand and interpret historical context and narrative from 1600s to today. Best for K-12 learners looking for a larger glimpse of the history at Fort Monroe.
Communities and Cultures
How have cultures helped shape communities over hundreds, if not thousands of years? Explore the different ways that the cultures of the indigenous, English colonizers, and first enslaved Africans in the English-speaking Virginia colonies helped to shape the communities we live in today at Point Comfort and beyond. In this program, students will evaluate primary and secondary sources in order to understand and interpret historical context and narrative from 1600s to today. Best for 3rd grade students but can be adjusted for different learners.
Building Fort Monroe
The United States Army Corps of Engineers, led by Simon Bernard, designed the largest masonry fort in the United States after the War of 1812. The actual labor source of predominately enslaved individuals used to build the fort had been largely left out of the narrative when looking at this national monument. The same labor source would be the cause for war some 40 years later. In this program, students will evaluate primary and secondary sources in order to understand and interpret historical context and narrative from the War of 1812 to the Civil War. Best for 4th-5th grade students but can be adjusted for different learners.
The Incredible Life of John B. Jones
Follow the amazing journey of John B. Jones, born into slavery, who as a young man sought his way to freedom and served the nation and the community. His inspirational story is discovered through original documents and photographs providing a glimpse into his life as a sailor aboard the U.S.S. Roman, a musician in the U.S.C.T. and as Old Point Comfort’s longest serving lighthouse keeper. In this program, students will evaluate primary and secondary sources in order to understand and interpret historical context and narrative from the Civil War through the turn of the 20th century. Best for 6th-8th grade students but can be adjusted for different learners.
What is Freedom
What is freedom? Is there a single definition that fits everyone throughout history? Discover the narratives of individuals in the history of Fort Monroe and Old Point Comfort, from the first landing of Africans in 1619, the Contraband Decision of 1861, formation of the United States Colored Troops, and their unique experiences with the word freedom. Best for 9th-12th grade students but can be adjusted for different learners.

Reserve a Field trip
Reserve your field trip today by contacting Jessica Meadows, Education Programs Manager at education@fortmonroe.org or 757-690-8077. Email is preferred.

Live Broadcast Studio
Can’t make it to the fort in-person? Not a problem! Let us bring Fort Monroe into your classroom with our Live Broadcast studio for a virtual education program.
- Just like our in-person field trips, virtual programs are designed around learning standards, and include content and analysis of primary and secondary sources, reproductions, and exhibits.
- We bring the historic outdoor spaces to you and your students through teleconferencing systems like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, and Google Meets.
- Book a virtual education program today or contact us at education@fortmonroe.org.