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Phone numbers should be separated by dashes and not periods.

  • 757-637-6778
  • NOT 757.637.6778


Web address should be typeset without www.

  • NOT

Do not use the URL:



Type Size

The recommended font for the text is Helvetica Neue Regular, Italic or Bold. The recommended font size is 9 pt.
The smallest size that can be used is 6.5 pt.



Answering Phones

It is important for all Fort Monroe employees to reinforce the brand through every customer touch point, including when people call us. Speaking clearly, listening attentively and actively providing excellent customer service will help make a positive impression.

When you answer the phone, you should always

  1. Thank the caller for calling Fort Monroe
  2. Identify yourself and/or your department
  3. Be attentive on the phone call

This method would sound roughly like:
“Thank you for calling Fort Monroe, this is Andrea, how can I help you?”


Voicemail Greeting

Again, it is important throughout the organization to reinforce the Fort Monroe brand through a positive and consistent voicemail greeting message.

When recording a voicemail greeting, you should always

  1. Thank the caller for calling Fort Monroe
  2. Identify yourself, your title and/or your department
  3. Instruct the caller on when or how to leave a voicemail

You may need to include information at the end of your greeting with directions as to who could help in the event of an urgent requirement by the caller.

This method would sound roughly like: “Hello. You have reached Andrea Smith at Fort Monroe Authority. I cannot take your call right now, but I will return it as soon as I can. Please leave a message including your name, company and phone number. If you need immediate assistance, please call (person’s name) at (phone number). Thank you and have a wonderful day.”