This past summer the Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast approached the Casemate Museum with a proposal for a temporary exhibit to tell the story of Girl Scouting at Fort Monroe. Girl scouting began at Fort Monroe in 1926 and the Post provided them space within a Casemate for their meeting room. Throughout their history, the Fort Monroe Girl Scouts camped on the Fort’s Parade Ground, performed countless beautification projects around the Post and actively contributed to local charitable organizations.
The exhibit incorporates a 1926 Fort Monroe Girl Scout scrapbook and photographs from the Museum archives, as well as historic uniforms and scout handbooks on loan from the Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast. On Saturday October 4, 2014, the exhibit officially opened with an evening reception attended by over 50 people. Those in attendance included Fort Monroe Girl Scout alumnae, numerous executives and board members of the Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast, representatives from Top Guard Security and the National Park Service. The exhibit will be on display until the spring of 2015.
A generous $1,250 donation by the Museum’s security contractor, Top Guard Security, made the exhibit and opening reception possible.