Joan Baker, Human Resources Manager at Fort Monroe Authority, worked with Tracy King from the Church of the Latter Day Saints to organize a “Day of Service” at Fort Monroe. The Church brought 145 volunteers to the property and, if you counted all of the children, the total number exceeded 200 participants. Their assignment was to remove the weeds and plant growth on the seawall area along the land side of Gulick Road next to the Bay. This is a public space along the boardwalk that is not maintained by our landscape contractor and some weeds reached three feet in height. At the conclusion of the effort the property was substantially improved and over 200 bags of debris were filled and stacked along Gulick Road. Special thanks to Secretary of Natural Resources Molly Ward who was first approached by this group and directed them to the FMA to coordinate this volunteer effort.
At the conclusion of this activity, the FMA Special Events Department roped off an area near Outlook Beach for a restricted picnic area. They found numerous picnic tables in various locations on the property and a couple of “smoking shelters” near commercial office buildings that were no longer in use. Working with Veolia, they had the tables and shelters delivered to the special roped off area. As a test, the FMA allowed the Church volunteers to use the space for a private picnic area. We are pleased to report the space was a huge success and the FMA Special Events Team now considers this area as a leasable space known as Picnic Area 2. We expect this area will be another source of revenue for the FMA next spring and summer
To reserve the picnic area as well as other venues at Fort Monroe, contact Aaron Whittington, Special Events Coordinator at 757 690-8061 or